Thursday, 31 March 2016

AoA - Demo v0.87

2016/04/02 - Re-uploaded with more fixes.
2016/04/01 - I re-uploaded the demo a few times with some fixes. Try again when you see this note!

Conserving stamina is pretty tough now
Download v0.87

File size: ~14MB
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! | Password: dtny | ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

So it's finally out (no April Fools here). As you might have noticed, the jump in version (0.85 to 0.87) is becoming shorter. That's just me realizing that AoA still has way more things need getting done.

The project file has been renamed to AoA_Alpha3 from AoD_Alpha2. Just copy the "savegame.ini" over into AoA_Alpha3 if  you wish to keep your progress. At the same time, I've also changed the password to access the files (password from aod to dtny).

In this release, the number of rounds go up to ROUND[51], with a new boss at 50. The heroine will also go up against a new enemy "Champion" which are formidable enemies in full armor suits, making them pretty tanky.

If you've seen the previous blog post, I mentioned 2 new active skills, one being "Focus" and the other "Sword Dance". I've decided to revamp the "Sword Dance" so you won't be seeing it in this release.

I apologize having kept you all waiting. Having 3 months between releases is a damn long time. Anyways, I hope you enjoy v0.87!


Release Notes - v0.87
  1. Boss 5 created. Fought on ROUND[50].
  2. New skill ''Focus". Replenishes stamina & resets cooldown of skills.
  3. New H-animation (4th one). Beat ROUND[30] to unlock.
  4. New enemy "Champion".
  5. Stamina regeneration rate halved when running/attacking.
  6. Normal attack now cost stamina.
  7. Game now auto-saves at end of each round.
  8. The "Go Next" sign now spawns at player's coordinates.
  9. General events handling (reward & crowd-cheering) for Double/Multi-kill.
  10. Skills' upgrade costs reduced drastically.
  11. The "Shield throw" cooldown has been increased (9s to 12s).
  12. The "Double-edge" skill's range extended.
  13. Moved settings from Pause menu (Enter) to Exit menu (Esc).
  14. Included ESCKEY and PAUSEKEY into controls config.
  1. Demo ends at ROUND [51]. The round will loop endlessly.
  2. The "Adult content" in settings menu does not work.
  3. Boss animations not done.
  4. Still no BGM!  =(

Known Bugs
  1. Gamepad too sensitive in the menus.
  2. Help me find more!

Movement - Arrow keys
Attack - 'C' key
Activate skills - 'A', 'S', and 'D' keys

Space - Zoom-in/out
F2 - Restarts game
F4 - Full-screen/Window mode

Game Menu
Enter - Skill Menu
ESC  - Pause/Save menu

Numpad 0 - Trips the player (or press Ctrl)
Numpad 2 - Spawn "bats from cave" effx
Numpad 5 - Spawns more random enemies (or press '0')
Key '7'      - Enable/disable debug text


If you got a feedback, let me hear it in the comments below!


  1. I've played AoA from v0.6, and I always visit here to see if there's any update for AoA. I was eager to see the update from 0.85, and I just downloaded this and made it to the round 41. I really love your game!

    I found few things that look like bugs.
    1. I found that making enemy fall into the pit gives me extra 50 points, but sometimes not. Of course, those situations were happened when I pushed living enemies into the pit, not corpses.
    2. Some frame (maybe one or two frames) of new H-animation has an error that body parts (I think they are arms.) fly above the character when it became foursome.

    Other than those, everything looks okay for me. The new H-animation is awesome, and I think that the animation of the character's mouth makes it really cool. I guess it would be pretty good to put the mouth animation to other three existing H-animations.

    Sorry for my poor English. I hope you understand that I really love your game and hope it to be developed further. Carry on, and have a nice day!

    1. Hey thanks for following the development. It's good to hear enduring interests! Afterall v0.6 was almost 10 months ago.

      Thanks for pointing out the bugs:
      1. I had forgotten to remove some line of codes I kept for testing the events. The cleaning up before a release is always stressful. I just suck at keeping track of things.

      2. Yeah I was messing around with different arm positions, and then promptly forgotten about them.

      Anyway, I've fixed the above issues and re-uploaded the demo. Try downloading again to see if they reappear.

      I'll see if I can include more of the character's mouth for future animations. Gonna be prioritizing gameplay content for some time.

      I hope you enjoyed v0.87! If you see anything out of place, remember to comment! I'll try to respond to all.

  2. Huzzah! You made it by the end of the month. :)

    Just a couple of things. Firstly, did you manage to find and fix the xp bug I'd mentioned before, where the glittery bits weren't registering when you picked them up? Second, I think the new blood-splatter animation might be a little much. It gets a little messy (ha!) when you're fighting a big mob.

    Pretty good though, from what I've seen so far! Can't wait to get to the new boss!

    1. Hah! Well actually I missed the deadline for Japan but made it in time for Europe at least. I was half-late :/

      I think I've fixed the xp/gold bug. It was spawning 1 extra pickup because it loop an extra time. You can try and check for buggy XP but I'm confident on this one heh.

      I just reuploaded the demo because some things weren't working as intended. At the same time I reduced the blood spatter size, hopefully it looks okay now.

      The Boss5 is pretty tough since his reach is longer than you, but he stands idle for good long while so he's susceptible to ranged attacks.

    2. Oooooh, nice! Gonna try to get to the fifth boss tonight, then. I've never bothered really using ranged attacks in any of the other builds; the shield-throwing seemed clunky so I never learned to do it well, and I mostly spent my xp on passive upgrades. This should be interesting. :D

      And yeah, the blood-splatter size is *way* better now. Nice job!

    3. GAAAH! Oh, that damn jester just ran away after stealing my stuff! That asshole!

      Okay, that's actually pretty cool. Now I can't just save him for last. :D

    4. Haha well at least gold is easy to come by. Problem is he steals the HP and Shield drops too!

    5. Actually, I've never had him steal a shield. He runs towards it, and will camp out on top of it, and the shield will drag towards him... but he never picks it up.

    6. Oh really? Then I'll need to fix that, because him picking up shields is intended.

  3. Hey there. I've already posted about it in your ULMF thread, but you may see it more easily here: Numpad 5 spawns nothing but the basic sword enemy, while the 0 key is correctly spawning random enemies. That's the only bug I've noticed so far.

    1. Hey Elusi,

      Thanks for pointing it out. It's hard to keep track of so many things. I'll fix it and reupload in a bit.

  4. I'm not sure if it's caused by the arm glitch or not, but it seems like trying to have a 3-some with the slimes puts the 3rd one hovering over you. Also the slime boss disappears when it tries to enter/initiate an H-scene.

    1. Ah you're right. I forgot to remove it. I'll reupload in a short while.

      Boss animations aren't working still. Thinking of giving them their own set of animations but I haven't gotten to work on the animations and module yet.

  5. I have NO idea where this thing saves its save files - but it's definitely not the game folder. Saved the game and the save file is still fresh n empty, however my progress is saved.

    1. Hi OnlyDude,

      You're right. The files in the game folder are default files, whereas the real save file is found @ C:\Users\\AppData\Local\AoA_Alpha3 or AoD_Alpha2

      Put the savegame.ini file from AoD_Alpha2 into AoA_Alpha3 and you should be good to go.

  6. Hey, did you notice that some of the bats wind up flying *under* the arena floor? They vanish as soon as they touch the edge of the arena.

    1. Yeah. Gonna have to change it to give a better illusion. No fooling you I see heh

  7. Hi - instead of having "Go Next" spawn on top of us, could it spawn slightly in front of us? That way, if we stay still at the end of the level, we can just press "C" and hit it without needing to move.

    1. Actually... after more testing I've realised it's not the position that's unexpected, it's the timing. It feels like we should be able to destroy the sign as soon as it's halfway up, but in fact it's invulnerable until the animation's complete. Could that be changed?

    2. Okay I'll increase the speed of which the sign pops up, at the same time decreasing its invulnerability frames. Once there are enough bugs fixed that warrants a reuploaded, I'll note it in the top of this post.

  8. This game remembers a LOT "The Only One" from Ernest Szoka, for Android. I don't think it's a problem though, since I really liked The only one and H-Scenes hehe

    1. Yeah if people haven't checked the game out, I highly recommend "The Only One" on Android. I remember when I played it and go "I want this game with H-scenes!".

  9. I know I'd mentioned something about how hard it is to switch animations during game-over before; I was wondering if it would be easy to randomize the position the heroine winds up in after ending an animation. As it works now, I wind up having to fight out of an animation over and over until she winds up moving around the arena far enough to wind up in a different position before I can see different animations.

    Can you tell which issue is most important to me? :P

    1. Hmm I thought I'd reserve that to The Gallery only. The animation handler I coded for the combat sex is pretty dated.

      Since the animation is dependent on the direction you face when you fall, you can "kinda determine" the animation you want by tripping yourself via the Ctrl or Numpad0 button.

      I'll look into the game over animation handling. Maybe only the game over will be randomised.

    2. Yeah, game-over animations are mostly what I was talking about. During the game, I'm usually trying to *not* get plundered by bad guys, so I mostly wind up watching the animations after I lose. :)

  10. Very difficult. help me

    1. Hey anon,

      Go to your savegame.ini @ C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\AoA_Alpha3 and edit it.

      If you want to fight bosses only, set "roundsav=10/20/30/40/50".

      Otherwise you can set the gold to x amount and upgrade your skills.

  11. So I edited some of the save files, but only one h-animation is playing, what is going on?

    1. The gallery.ini doesn't work yet.

      The files are @ C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\AoA_Alpha3

      You will want to edit the savegame.ini. Set the "roundmax=51" and you should be good to go. Animations that play will depend on the direction you face when you fall.

    2. I edited the correct save file with "roundmax=51" and got only 1 h-anim on any direction, so I tried to change it to "roundmax=31" then I got to see all the h-animations depending on the directions.

      With the 4th h-anim I'd say it's cooler if they got to do the her in the mouth as well as opposed to her just doing it with her hand for the third anim during the 4th h-anim sequence, Just sayin'. Well done with the animations, and the game too.

    3. Oh I think you might be on the earlier versions of this release. I had messed up the animation unlocking and reuploaded v0.87.

      Haha I know what you mean with the 4th animation. I figured we already have 2 animations with head that I'd leave the last one out. Welp no problems, I'll see what I can do for the boss animations.

  12. How does one unlock the gallery???

    1. Hey Anon, you can't unlockthe gallery and thus "not available" in this demo. It's still work in progress as I've yet to draw the background and HUD for the gallery, not to mention the numerous bugs too.

  13. Hey, think you'll ever go back and work on labcoax again? Don't get me wrong, I'm loving the progress of this game, it's just a question I've been meaning to ask.

    1. Yeah I'd like to work on Labcoax again, anon. I'd kill for more development time, but time seems to be growing in scarcity. How does one buy time?

    2. I want to deny that but it seems I can't!

  14. Hey, so... I'm a fan of your work, and I'm interested in contributing to this general sex games community a bit. I'm a musician, and I've noticed that you and several other folk in this industry have been needing music for a bit now. I'm asking around to those people, you included, to see if you'd like to see a portfolio of my work and perhaps negotiate something cool happening!

    Also, I have the same question that Anon above has. AoA is good, but I kinda preferred Labcoax for gameplay... I'd be willing to work on either one, though, naturally.

    Email me if you're interested, or if not:

    1. Hey Nanospliccer, I've sent you an email at

  15. Those FUCKERS with the axes need nerfing hardcore. They can lead their charge attack perfectly and use it way too often, and it punts the player too far. I hadn't died to falling off the edges up til the level they're on. On top of that, they move just as fast as normal swordsmen, and go to attack quicker and more often.
    Here's what I suggest to unfuck what is genuinely the most frustrating enemy I've encountered in ANY game, mix and match what sounds best to you
    1: Give them a cooldown, like 15s on their charge attack
    2: Instead of the charge attack launching the player halfway across the arena, have it do massive stamina damage (80% of the bar)
    3: Reduce their regular movement speed
    4: Reduce their aggression re: normal attack; the player should have a bigger window to get a hit in before they try to attack again.
    5: Clashing could have a random chance to "stun" them
    6: Allow player to counter their charge attack by clashing
    7: Incorporate a minimum distance for them to be able to use the charge attack

    Don't mean to sound so aggressive but god damn I've got to round 34 about 34 times and they ALWAYS kill me

    1. Oh and an unrelated suggestion: A different slime with Glorbo's slowing spit/goo (Just one instead of three globs), with the addition of doing stamina damage when caught in it

    2. And another one: The successive hits +1atk skill shouldn't be reset by clashes and/or missed swings. In most stages it's pure luck if you manage to consistently hit without missing or clashing

    3. Haha, I understand your frustration regarding the whirly Brutes enemy. Apparently I managed to bug their cooldown interval between spin attacks in this release. You will see a 12 seconds interval for this attack now in the next release.

      I've toned down enemy aggression slightly, and will space out the spawning so players have more time to thin out the crowd before more enemies spawn.

      I'll think about making the spin attack clashable. It was once clashable before I changed it. Not sure if I'm gonna change it back. Meanwhile I'm also buffing the other skills, like reducing the number of successive hits for +x atk.

  16. Replies
    1. Hey GoGoBananas, the next release will be in June. I'm in the midst of creating the end-game cutscenes and credits. At the same time AoA is having a new voice actress as well, so recording is still underway, albeit slow.

  17. I had a slow start, building gold to make the character less bad. But now I'm hooked even though I can't get past whichever checkpoint I'm at (trying to get to 40 or 50).

    As far as bugs go, if the player is at the border tripped (/out of HP) and gets grappled in H animation, it's possible that her object falls (scream and camera following down), while the animation plays out like nothing's happened (H animation).

    1. Heya Unknown, glad to hear you're enjoying the game! I do feel that the game mechanics limits are easily reached, and players run out of things to do with this game. Gonna need to think of game modes and add some competitive edge to AoA.

      Thanks for the bug report. When tripped at (0)HP, the heroine should be bound within the arena. I think what likely happened was that you tripped (but at more than (0)HP) at the very edge. An enemy comes along and does a little pushing while trying to initiate H-animation. That's when the heroine actually fell. I'm gonna have to find a way to handle this.

  18. Which program do you use to make this game? I really wonder.

    1. Hey Anon, I use GameMaker: Studios to make my games. For large sprites like animated CGs and backgrounds, I use aseprite 0.9.5, only rarely booting up Photoshop for the filters.

    2. Thank you for respond datanony. I have the GameMaker's free version and learned how to use it a little bit. I've made some animated sprites like 'game-over-sex-scenes' your works encouraged me. I want to ask that, is it possible to make a Platformer Hentai Game just using free version of GameMaker? I don't have much money to spend on professional programs.

    3. Hey Anon, yes I think you will now be able to create full games with the free version of GameMaker Studio (they previously limit greatly the number of things you can do in the free ver). The only exception with the free GameMaker is that you are unable to remove the "Yoyogames" splash screen.

      If you want to make platformers, there's many tutorials that can be found at Yoyogames' website:

      Kyrieru actually made a small platformer template back in 2014. You can get them here if the link is still up (let's pray it still is). I don't think he has updated it:

      Hopefully this will help kickstart your game development (hentai or not, lemme see)!

    4. About splash screen, I found out that there's an update button that let you change it, Put one of my artwork and it worked. I accessed it from 'Global Game Settings'. I don't know if it will keep the changes on splash screen if I release the game. Did you try to change it on Global game settings?

    5. Oh I guess they must have changed things. I may be a little backdated. I never tried that free version before; got licensed before they decided to make it free.

  19. Data, I must admit that I appreciate your determination. I'm trying to make simple space shooter hentai game but after a little sprite working, I instantly have terrible urge to fap :) I imagine that how sexy my game would be in future. After a little jerking off I lost all the will to develop my game until I refill my desire :( Thats because I fall behind my schedule, damn. Does it happen to you? Do you have a sexual desire while developing your game? I also want to ask that, are you using GameMaker on Steam or using the version from the website? I'm using Steam version, I hope it won't bring trouble.

    1. Haha! I understand what you mean. Can't say I haven't felt that same way in the beginning. As I put more time into the game, it really becomes a job instead of the indulgence into sexy future of the game. Suddenly you have a lot more riding on the project (imagine if all that hours go to waste!) and finishing the game takes top priority. At that point, pleasure can only be derived on project completion.

      I am using Steam's version of GameMaker Studio as well. I remember getting it when it was on discount.

      I hope that answered your question!
